(continued from Payments)

Stand-Alone Web Ordering Option

(Not Integrated to RM at Site)

If not processing online order through a Restaurant Manger POS system you will have to determine the following:

  1. Connectivity
  1. Order Output Device - (device at the location where order will be displayed/output
  1. Order Alert Device

Standalone Terminal Interface

(For On Line ordering that is not integrated to the restaurant’s RM POS s/w)


This interface requires a computer to run the order management software.

Two views are available, Order Management and Order Prep Display.  The Order Management screen displays a summary of all the online orders in inverse chronological order (the most recent at the top) with the following information for each order:

The following functions are available:

  1. View:  View selected Order
  2. Print: Print selected order
  3. Status:  allows changing the status of an order to:

The following functions are available in the Prep Display Screen:

(continued in Technical Notes)